Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Second Discovery

How funny is life that just when you think you're sorted. The washing is up to date, the floors are remotely clean, everybody is fed, washed and happy and you have that little feeling inside that today was a good day, I've done well today and ticked off all my tasks....

Second Discovery:  That whom ever they named Murphy's Law after must have been one tough bastard. It is a hard, unrelenting, snap back to reality that hints that somehow the universe let you get organised enough just so you can cope with whatever hits the fan next!
Yesterday was going so well, everyone was calm, dinner cooked and eaten, kids bathed, in pj's ready for bed, sitting down to read school readers (which is very exciting for my 5 year old son at the moment so I'm going to grab this opportunity and roll with it as hard and as far as I can). Then, after suggesting to a certain very curly haired child of mine to stop fidgeting, I look over and catch a glimpse of a nit! Awesome, the proverbial hit the fan. 2 kids ran off and hid behind the couch, affected child burst into tears "All I want is a cuddle" (Um I love you, however you will just have to wait for a moment), 2 year old trying to climb onto his lap for comfort and hubby not answering his phone, out playing sport. An hour away….

Dont you love those moments where no instructions or guidance are ever going to be found in a parenting guide. That somehow you have to figure out what on earth to do and in which order to do it whilst attempting to remain calm in front of the kids, when all you really want to do is yell out "Are you kidding me?" Just like the first time you ever have to clean vomit off carpet. Who teaches how to do that in parenting 101? And why without fail will kids never make it to the tiles or in a bucket? Or maybe that's just mine. A couple of months back we had eldest son, who sleeps on the top bunk not only cover himself and all of his bedding but manage to lean over, cover his younger brother and all of his bedding and then stagger down to our bedroom and cover all of our bedding and my carpet before making it into the shower. So ridiculous it ended up being funny, hubby and I standing in the middle of the room at midnight with what can only be inadequately described as a dumbfounded look on our faces laughing trying to figure out which child and what bedding and flooring do we attempt to clean first, and how on earth do we go about it?

Back to my surprise discovery... So instead of tucking everyone into bed and quietly climbing into mine to read a book in peace and quiet ( I know, maybe I said it out allowed and jinxed myself) I found myself stripping, washing and remaking 5 beds, everyones towels, clothes etc.....before spending another 2 hours shampooing, combing and conditioning everyones hair, making sure I'd destroyed every last one of those little buggers, all the while panicking that maybe my head was itchy too. The stench of tea tree oil was so strong it then set all of our smoke alarms going, so we all half froze with open doors and windows trying to clear the air, hopefully not waking up the neighbours.

Conclusion: It was an awful night. However, like I said in my last post, we got there. We officially made it and came out the other end ok.  All the kids eventually climbed into bed (with the cleanest, most thoroughly combed hair imaginable) and hubby and I even got to spend some quiet quality time together. Albeit at midnight whilst we combed tea tree oil shampoo though each others hair, but it was quiet and I suppose you could label it quality! The main point being that we eventually got there, I now have some new skills to add to my collection, (not that I ever want to see another nit EVER AGAIN) and an entire weeks worth of washing was accomplished within one night. And, touch wood, at least it didn't happen the night before camping or whilst we were away! Now that probably would have pushed me to the max.

Maybe we should compile a how to parenting book for those jobs that no one teaches you how to perform or cope with. Those awful tasks that you somehow have to find the courage to do whilst smiling comfortingly at the kids. Maybe that's my task for today, what's the best natural way to clean soiled carpet? I'd be interested for ideas.
Good Luck for your day. Maybe my goal for today is to not be quite so organised, then technically Murphy's Law wont come into play.Will it? xx

When I mentioned it was curly………I meant it!

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