Essential Oils. My favorite combinations for the mind, body and home.

My love affair with beautiful essential oils began years ago, when working as a registered nurse in an Aged Care Facility specialising in palliative care. I viewed my time spent working there as an honor and a priveledge. To assist someones beloved to enjoy their remaining time in as pleasant and comfortable environment as possible is a humble gift that I will be forever thankful for. It was during this time that I noticed the profound effect of calming and soothing oils on both our patients and their families and was drawn to learn more.
Aromatherapy is a modern version of what as once an ancient and highly regarded medical tradition. The true beauty of these oils is that they are 100% pure natural essences, distilled from a variety of plants and are often described as natures healing tools. Almost all of the oils are in some form antiseptic with indiviual oils possessing their own particular healing characteristics. As beautifully described by Edward Bach "Amongst the types of remedies that will be used will be those obtained from the most beautiful plants and herbs to be found in the pharmacy of Nature, such as have been divinely enriched with healing powers for the mind and body"
It is imperitive at this point to mention that not all oils are created equal. Some are purely produced for their aroma and do not possses the Therapeutic Grade Required when using topically and/or internally. These oils can be synthetic and potentially harmful to the body having no therapeutic value at all. There are however, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils available. I personally use DoTerra, these oils can be viewed and ordered directly from my website. DoTerra oils do not contain fillers or artifical ingredients and are free of contaminates such as pesticides and other chemical residues.
The Oil Recipes I have listed are ones that I use personally, I do reccommend if you are looking to use them that you also seek other medical advice and do your own research. There are several oils not reccomended for pregnant women or very small babies so please make an educated decision. xx 
Basic Care Kit:
Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)- anti-infectious, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.
Practical Uses: Brilliant to apply to cuts, grazes and burns as it is known for promoting wound healing. Helpful in soothing psoriasis, eczema, sunburn and insect bites as well as calming the mind and relieving headaches, migraines, insomnia and anxiety.
Emotional Benefits: Described as the oil of communication and supports individuals to release tensions and fear that arises from self expression and encourages emotional honesty.
Minor Cuts & Grazes: This is a common occurance in my house, particularly with my boys who seem to love pushing the boundaries of personal adventure. This mix can be made in bulk and stored appropriately if using all of the time or simply calculated at the time of need.
Cleansing wash (Calming and Anti-septic):
 Lavender-5 drops
Tea Tree- 5 drops
Combine and add to the warm water used to cleanse the cut/graze.
Gauze Dressing:
Lavender -2 drops
Tea Tree- 1 drop
Place oil mix onto a clean gauze dressing, the place gauze directly over graze and secure. Then let it dry.
Insect Bites, especially Mosquitos:
For singular bites, simply place 1 drop of undiluted lavender oil directly on the area.
For mutiple bites combine: 250ml of apple cider vinegar (or the juice of 2 lemons) with
Lavender-10 drops
Thyme-5 drops.
Then add mixture to the bath. Afterwards can put neat lavender on individual bites as well.
 Refreshing Burner/Diffuser Blend-To awaken the senses and energise a tired body and mind.
5 drops of Lavender
2 drops Lemon
1 drop Grapefruit

Similar to Lavender, Marjoram has a distinguished history with the goddess Aphrodite apparently regarding it as the symbol of happiness. The Ancient Greeks labelled it the "joy of the mountains" and crowned newly weds with marjoram garlands.

Practical Uses: It is used as both a muscle relaxant and anti-spasmodic often used with great effect on backaches, indigestion, abdominal pain and menstrual issues.

Emotional Benefits:  Marjoram is beneficial in assisting those who find it difficult to trust others and form meaningful relationships and has been described as the oil of connection as it softens the heart and aids in healing previous wounds. It can help restore trust and openess allowing the true bonds of love to be formed in friendships and relationships.

Relaxing Foot Bath
Handful of Sea Salt
4 drops Marjoram
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Lavender
Place the pebbles in the bottom of a bucket and half fill with warm water. Add the salt and oils and soak the feet, rolling them across the pebbles to stimulate reflex points.

Kids Chesty Cough Blend
30ml Sweet Almond Oil
5 drops Marjoram
3 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Frankincense
Combine and rub over the chest and back

PMS Massage
3oml Sweet Almond Oil
5 drops Marjoram
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Geranium
4 drops Bergamot
Combine and massage a little oil over you abdomen daily  in the 1-2 weeks leading up to your period.

 Ear Aches & Infections:
Unfortunately common in children under the age of 5 and as we have discovered this week, quite painful. Absolutley seek further medical advice should discharge or prolonged pain be evident however, in the meantime sometimes some warm compresses and essential oils (and cuddles) can help a little.

Earache Mix 1:
Lavender and Melaluca Oils gently massaged around and behind affected ear (not in!)

Earache Mix 2:
15 ml Coconut Oil
10 drops Lavender
5 drops German Chamomile
6 drops Palmarosa
3 drops Cardamom
Combine and use a couple of drops to gently massage around and behind the affected ear.

Ear Infection Mix:
15 ml Coconut Oil
3 drops Lavender
3 drops Thyme
Combine and apply as above or can also be added to a warm compress and held gently against the affected ear.

Calming Blend-The Oil of Forgiveness.
DoTerra has labelled this combination as Serenity.
Ingredients: Lavender, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Hawaiian Sandalwood and Vanilla Bean.
Actions: Perfect for inducing sound and restful sleep, this oil blend has a beautiful and powerful affect on the heart. It assists in calming feelings of hostility, fear, anger, jealousy and resentment. It can be used aromatically, Topically combined with coconut oil or neat.

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