At the beginning of this month my husband and I were fortunate to attend the Masters of Wealth Creation seminar in Melbourne, spearheaded by the highly regarded Robert Kiyosaki and backed up by the effervesent Scott Harris. We view financial education to be a high priority and are looking forward to passing this knowledge and skills onto our children. What took us a little by surpirse was the overwhelming theme of the day being mindset. The power of a positive mind and visualising your goals and aspirations has been a concept repeatedly covered by not only our business coach but also many others who we look to for inspiration. However, we had never really considered it in the form of a wealthy mind....
In the beginning of the conference we were asked to write down 5 words that we would use to describe ourselves. Mine were kind, graceful, respectful, loving & successful. Hope those that know me think of me along the same lines! Surprisingly it was brought to my attention that the language that I sub consciously use to describe myself and live towards did not include wealthy and as often stated "you cannot be what you dont already define yourself as". So what is wealth? For me personally it isn't about having the latest things, the biggest house or the flashiest car, it's so much more than that. For me wealth enables me to spend more time with my family doing the things that we love togther without being tied down working 40 hour weeks. Wealth allows me to travel with my children and show them new experiences, it allows for a greater sense of security knowing that through the business asset I have created I am no longer reliant on someone else for my paycheck or my happiness. Creating true wealth is about creating true freedom and one of my biggest aspirations. So you can bet that the first thing I did was add wealthy to that list!
Taking this concept a little further, one of my most favorite analogies is that of the Wealth Thermostat. Each and every one of us has a preprogrammed figure or amount in our minds that we view or associate as being "wealthy". For some it may be billions, others millions, thousands, even hundreds. These beliefs come about during our childhood and development and are in direct correlation to our surrounding and the comments we hear in regards to money. Statements like "money is the root of all evil", "don't be greedy" and "money doesn't grow on trees" are all well intended statements often given by parents stetched to their limits however we have spoilt the concept that money is a good thing. So much good can be done with money! Assisting others in times of need, donating to worthy charities, setting your children up for amazing futures, the list is awesome. We aren't bad if we want money or enjoy it, especially when it's for the right reasons. What's sad is that we accept mediocrity when we are all capable of amazing things. If we altered our inner description and concentrated on viewing money flowing in to our pockets, providing us with amazing opportunities to do wonderful things with it, what a mindset shift!
"I'm rich already, I am becoming increasingly wealthy"
Back to thermostat....
Consider this concept. A room has a thermostat set to a pleasant 25 C. Now if someone were to open the door on a cold and blustery day, the temperature inside will initially drop until the thermostat kicks in and switches on the heater. Hence raising the temperature back up to 25. Alternatively, if it's hot out side and the door get opened, the temperature will initially increase until the thermostat turns on the air conditioner bring the room back to 25 C. This can also be said for our wealth thermostat that we have established in our minds. As many will know, winning lotto or a large inheritance doesn't necessarily ensure that someone becomes and remains wealthy. So many who have a low wealth thermostat have found out the hard way that the decisions they have made caused the money to gradually disappear. Our thermostat or wealth mindset will see circumstances and makes decisions that match where we see ourselves. If we see ourselves as thousands wealthy, that's all we will reach. However, if we view it (and I mean really see, visualise it, dream about it) as millions or billions wealthy then that is what we strive for. Those are the opportunities we come across, the assets we create, the decisions we make. A great example of this is Donald Trump (I've linked his bio so you read what I'm talking about). Now we all know that he has lost his fortune (a big one) in the past. However his wealth thermostat remained set in the billions. It was the way his mind worked, how he considered and made decisons, visualised himself and eventually progressed his way back to where he is today. Just making enough to cover the mortgage was never going to cut it for him. He liked life living at the top and he was determined to do all in his power to get back there. And he did!
So I guess now as you embark on considering your New Years Resolutions it's time for some of those confronting personal reflections.
Q. Do you believe you are meant to be wealthy? Do you see it, speak like it and visualise it? Is it one of the words you use to describe yourself?
Q. What level of wealth is your thermostat set to?
Q. What are you doing about it right now?
Q. How much time do you spend with, or reading about people who are as wealthy as your thermostat?
Now I'm certainly not professing that by visualising wealth that money will start falling out of the sky and into your wallet! However, imagine what you could create for your self, your family and your future if wealth become a new years resolution for you to seek? In what ways could your life change by shifting that mindset and aiming for something more?
Our goal is to create a future that we don't need a holiday from. If you would like to read more about one of the assets we have created to achieve this visit Emily Limb. Wish you all the best in your wealthy endeavours xx
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