Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Books that have Changed my Mindset

I simply love reading. There is something so rejuvenating about exploring differing viewpoints, concepts and thinking. This exploration of the mind propels us past our current limitations whatever they may be to a new found wisdom led through the eyes and words of another.

My book of choice up until a couple of years ago was the action/romance. Escaping momentarily from my day to day life of being firmly entrenched at home with several small children, they gave me a chance to breathe and live someone else's adventures for the day. However, as I've 'grown up' I have begun to yearn for something more. Please don't get me wrong, I adore a great novel, however I also have a new found love of the self development book. Whether you look to personal development books as a means to further enhance a positive mindset, to take your personal life or business to the next level or to simply discover what you may learn, they all offer varying gems to take on board. I take what statements and concepts I need to explore at any given point and use them to challenge and advance my thinking. Do I agree with all they say? No, not always. However I do find that I learn something new each time I read them and if I can gather one diamond of information from each one I know I am always heading in the right direction.

Therefore I've compiled a list of books that I've found incredibly beneficial. Some are business orientated, some wealth orientated and others simply personal.

Life's Golden Ticket- Brendan Bourchard
Motivation Manifesto-Brendan Bourchard
Five Love Languages-Gary Chapman
Rich Dad Poor Dad- Robert Kiyosaki
The Slight Edge- Jeff Olsen
Think & Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill
The Secret- Rhonda Byrne
Go Pro- Eric Worre
Your First Year in Network Marketing- Mark Yarnell
The Richest Man in Babylon-George S. Clason
Think Like a Billionaire- Donald Trump
Laws of Leadership- John C Maxwell
7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey
Flip Flop CEO
How to Win Friends & Influence People-Dale Carnegie
Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children- Sarah Napthali

The underlined links will take you to a variety of book stores and websites so that you can see and read for yourself what these little gems are all about.

Would love to hear of more suggestions from you

Happy Reading xx

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


What is leadership? Some view it as leading by example, "showing the way" and telling others how to follow. However, others see it in a more passive manner, where by inspiring and encouraging others you inadvertently lead with the goals and dreams of others in mind and in heart.

Celebrating with one of my gorgeous team members
on her recent promotion.
You may wonder why the concept leadership weighs so heavily on my mind considering I predominatelywork for myself? That may be the case, however decent and genuine leadership is required everywhere, whether it be workplace or in the local community. I have the privilege of working beside a gorgeous team of Independent Consultants, all conducting their own individual global online business. My role is not one that dictates, controls nor demands. My sole purpose as a leader is to inspire and encourage others to see the true worth of their own potential and to encourage them to take their own steps in their pathway to success. It is so much more than just creating personal success, selflessly assisting others to achieve amazing things brings more joy and satisfaction than traveling any road on your own. 

My husband trekking with the team from Leaders in Life.
An amazing development program.
 In a sense I am also a leader to my family. There was an interesting parenting metaphor discussed recently, about being "A Light House Parent". Someone who rather than hovers to protect their child from the slightest harm, they are viewed as a steadfast and constant source of orientation and guidance as children maneuver their own childhood journey. Interesting concept, there is never a right or wrong answer with parenting due to the uniqueness and individuality of all situations, however I do see the value and similarity it poses to passive and gentle leadership.

Therefore to celebrate leaders who act and speak with integrity, compassion and empowerment I've compiled my favorite quotes on Leadership.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader" JOHN QUINCY ADAMS

"A leader is a dealer in hope" NAPOLEON BONAPARTE

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others" BILL GATES

"Earn your leadership everyday" MICHAEL JORDAN

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others" JACK WELCH

"Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations" PETER DRUCKER

"Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar" ORRIN WOODWARD

"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers" RALPH NADAR

"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority" KENNETH BLANCHARD

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other" JOHN F KENNEDY

"Management is about arranging and telling, leadership is about nurturing and enhancing" TOM PETERS

What does being a Leader mean to you?